About Agile-Minds – www.agile-minds.com
Agile-Minds is my site about experiences I made with agile product & software development. It talks about the gains and challenges of agile methods like SCRUM, KANBAN and the LEAN principles, discusses challenges from the domain of product development and solutions that worked for me. The site is public – but its main purpose is to be a notebook for myself where I pencil down insights and learnings for further usage.
The site contains information about agility and how it impacts your daily business life. Agile software development practices changed the way we built software. Agile product development ensures continuous availability of changes for our customers. LEAN principles helped us to put the software and product development methods together and showed us a way to control our business with agile methods working under the hood. LEAN methods came with “avoid waste”, “validated learning” and the “build-measure-learn” cycle defined by Eric Ries in “The LEAN Startup | Methodology”.
Agility can go even further. If the organization allows to revert the PUSH-principle into a PULL-principle – it empowers people to change a whole business organization. The fundament for an organizational transformation.
About me – Michael Maretzke
It’s tempting to repeat myself and introduce myself once again – but then I need to update yet another place.
Therefore, learn more about me on LinkedIn.com or on my professional consultancy site.
Publications by Michael Maretzke
- Maretzke, Michael (2019): “Agile Teams. Organisation. Motivation.”, Agile HR Conference 2019, 09.05.2019, Cologne, (Talk: https://bit.ly/2noios5, Video-interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKELF1-0qqA), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2018): „Agile Teams organisieren und motivieren“, Agile Team Leadership meetup, 17.05.2018, München (https://bit.ly/2CmVjug), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2014): „Getting page speed into the heads of your organization – a first hand report“, Web Performance Meetup, 15.04.2014, Hamburg (http://t.co/Q001SeByov), English 🇺🇸
- Maretzke, Michael (2013): „Continuous Delivery – Nett oder nötig?“, CodeCentric Customer Events, 2013 & 2014, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, München, Berlin (http://bit.ly/1kJcQwj), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2012): „Agile! … und jetzt?“, Telekom Agile Convention, 25. September, Bonn (http://slidesha.re/18ptMRl), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2012): „Continuous Delivery – Warum und wie etablierte Technology-Stacks immer schneller werden müssen!“, webinale 2012, 4.-6. Juni, Berlin (http://slidesha.re/19z9OE5), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2012): „Der Einfluß von Mobilen Applikationen auf das Online-Dating Business“, Portal Technology Days 2012, 26.-28. März, Berlin, German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2008): Web 2.0 zu Telko 2.0 in Telekom Praxis 7-8/2008, Schiele & Schön, German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2007): „Geschäftserfolg durch flexible IT“ in funkschau 25/2007, WEKA Fachmedien, München (see http://www.maretzke.de/pub/articles/funkschau_2007/funkschau_article_25_2007.pdf), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2007): “IT-fiziert” in NET – Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsmanagement 11/2007, NET Verlagsservice, Woltersdorf (see http://net-im-web.de/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=2091&Itemid=27), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2007): “Alles Online” in VoiceDays 2007, Stuttgart, October 2007, (see http://www.maretzke.de/pub/articles/voice_days_2007/MiMa_Voice%20Days%202007.pdf), German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2006): Planet Mobiltalk trifft auf Planet E-Business in Telekom Praxis 11-12/2006, Schiele & Schön, German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2006): Mobicents: JSLEE for the People by the People, Editor Ivelin Ivanov, English 🇺🇸
- Maretzke, Michael (2005): Ereignisorientierte Komponenten mit JAIN SLEE in Java Spektrum 05/2005, SIGS Datacom, German 🇩🇪
- Maretzke, Michael (2003): Mobile Datenkommunikation in Ulrich Bode (Hrsg.), Java Praxisnah, ISBN 3-486-27267-5, Oldenbourg Verlag, German 🇩🇪